You can refer to the X1 tutorials to upgrade Z1.
You need to update the X1 firmware to the FPS DOCK version first, please jump to
X1 FPS DOCK Firmware Update Tutorial for iOS
Please note:
The default mode is Android mode and X1 is named “FPS DOCK_****” on the list of Bluetooth devices, you need to press Ctrl and F2 buttons simultaneously to switch to iOS mode and the name of X1 will change to “FPS DOCK_i_****”.
X1 FPS DOCK User Guide for iOS
Step 1 Turn on the Bluetooth of iOS device and power on X1, then connect keyboard to X1. Press Ctrl and F2 buttons on the keyboard simultaneously, and you will find X1 named “FPS DOCK_i_****” on the list of Bluetooth devices. Click it to pair.
Step 2 Please take a screenshot of the game control panel of the game you want to play, such as Fortnite.
Step 3 Launch FPS DOCK APP and click “Game mapping config” button, then click “Screenshot” icon to add the screenshot of Fortnite game control panel.
Step 4 You can add key mappings by pressing the screen for 2 seconds. The red question icon will appear, and tap the key you want to add on keyboard, then the red question icon will change to the key you tap. In addition, you can configure any keys by dragging them to wherever you like. You can also delete key mappings by dragging the key to “Trash” icon.
Step 5 You can add D-pad and visual angle functions by clicking “Direction” and “Mouse” icons after clicking “Key” icon. Meanwhile, you can click D-pad to adjust the radius of D-pad.
Please note:
If you play Fortnite, the radius of D-pad must be less than 15 to ensure the precision of the direction buttons.
Step 6 Once the custom configuration is complete, click “Save” icon and input a custom name.
Step 7 Please click “Config” icon to choose the official configuration or custom configuration.
Step 8 You need to click “Save” and “Download” icons to write the configuration to the game you want to play.
Please note:
1. You can configure the keys in training map before playing.
2. You can configure the keys via FPS DOCK APP while playing.