Vote For Your Favorite GameSir G7 Faceplate

Thanks to all the participants who submitted their faceplate designs and congrats to those who are qualified for the public voting! Now, vote for your favorite design by simply click the design below! The top 6 will go through to the final and one of them will get an Xbox console!

*Due to the quantity & quality of artworks received, there are only 20 eligible artworks for the public voting. In this case, the quantity of People’s Choice and Finalist will be changed to 5 and 14 respectively. Thanks for your attention and understanding!

  • Voting starts from 0:00am on 13th Jan to 11:59pm on 31st Jan, 2023 (PST)
  • One vote per person, can vote again after 24 hrs
  • Top 6 go through to the final, announced on 1st Feb
  • Invite your friends to vote