GameSir VX AimSwitch Firmware Update Tutorial

1. How to update the VX AimSwitch firmware with GameSir G-Crux app

Update firmware via your pc

Step 1  Download the GameSir G-Crux app to your mobile phone.

Step 2  Power on the VX AimSwitch and the green connection status indicator light will flash.
Step 3  Press Fn + F4 keys simultaneously on the VX AimSwitch and the blue connection status indicator light will flash.
Step 4  Turn on Bluetooth on your mobile phone and connect to the VX AimSwitch. Then the blue connection status indicator light will keep lit.

Step 5  Open the GameSir G-Crux app on your mobile phone, select the device model “GameSir-VX” and update the firmware.

Step 6  After the firmware update is complete, close the GameSir G-Crux app, then press Fn + F5 keys simultaneously to exit the update and return to the game.

If you are unable to update the VX AimSwitch firmware with GameSir G-Crux app, you can try to update the VX AimSwitch firmware on PC.

2. How to update the VX AimSwitch firmware on PC
Please Note: Both the firmwares of keyboard and USB dongle need to be updated separately. The firmwares are different, but the update tool is the same.
Step 1  Download the GameSir VX AimSwitch firmware package to your Windows PC.

Please note: The upgrade is only available on windows 10 PCs.

Step 2  Update the keyboard firmware.

a.  Connect the GameSir VX AimSwitch to Windows PC with the USB cable. The driver will be installed automatically the first time you connect. If the driver installation fails, reconnect or try another USB port.
b.  Double-click the "Update tool" and click "Open File".

c.  Select the “Keyboard firmware” and click “Auto Update”.

d.  After the keyboard firmware update is complete, close the "Update tool" and disconnect the GameSir VX AimSwitch from Windows PC.

Step 3  Update the USB dongle firmware.

a.  Plug the USB dongle into the USB port of Windows PC.
b.  Double-click the "Update tool" and click "Open File".

c.  Select the “USB dongle firmware” and click “Auto Update”.

d. After the USB dongle firmware update is complete, close the "Update tool" and disconnect the USB dongle from Windows PC.

Step 4 The GameSir VX AimSwitch firmware update is done on the PC.